Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wisdom & Fairness

I bought myself a book today. Wooh.. it had been a long time since i read a Chinese book. While i'm waiting my hair to dry off, i flip on my book and start reading. When i came across Chapter 1-2 , the title just caught my attention immediately with a sentence 生活需要等待. I just stunned there for a second and .... questioned myself: huh?? really?? cause i used to wait for an opportunity and i keep on waiting. sighhh.. sound like the book gonna read out my heart auh. *piew* but not really, well lets see what the author write on..
"等待也是一种智慧,因为懂得等待的人具有坚韧的耐力,懂得等待的人具有更宽广的胸怀,懂得等待的人行事不创促,懂得等待的人不为情绪所左右。" sound meaningful ya, so what do you think?


Sunday, April 13, 2008

my new blog

Weeee ... it's MONDAY, it's gonna be a brand new week for me to start on. Kinda fade up with myself doing nothing everyday, kind of wasted my time. *piew* Yet what can i do? beside waiting, i wait patiently and i keep on waiting day by day...
Tic Toc Tic Toc... i could hear the clock clocking every second and i'm sitting on my chair wondering am i going to sit here for another week. Oh goshh.. NO NO!! *nightmare* I wish i could spend my time wisely. Without a second thought, I quickly throw myself in front of my computer as usual and browse on net, suddenly something strike into my mind 'BLOGGING'.. How does that sound? hmm..... BLOGGING??? Am i really gonna create a BLOG and start BLOGGING? Its really take me sometime to digest the word, blogging. Am i gonna post all my personal emotion on it? OH NO, not on my style, not in a public blog but in my personal dairy book.
But I always dream of having my own website with all my travel experience and some wonderful vacation photos. Yet I'm unmotivated for years, keep giving myself tons of excuses, end up doing nothing on it. *sniff* Therefore, i plan to share some of my experience here and i hope we can exchange some valuable information around.
